Moms’ Groups

Moms' Group: Conversations on Motherhood

This group is led by leaders of La Leche League of Fort Wayne, including Camille Grable, Alicia Corzine, Bethany Frincke, and Amy Sickels.
Look forward to exploring topics related to the first weeks and months of motherhood, all centered around breastfeeding. This is a place to be real, share, encourage and explore all areas of motherhood together in a baby-friendly, social environment!

Upcoming Schedule and Topics

Upcoming Schedule

Visit La Leche League of Fort Wayne‘s event page on Facebook for date and location information!


Topics we explore in a 4 week series:
1. Advantages of Breastfeeding
2. The Family and the Breastfed Baby
3. The Art of Breastfeeding and Avoiding difficulties
4. Nutrition and Weaning

Along with additional enrichment topics like:
Feeding your Infant – 
Open dialogue around how feeding your infant has evolved since birth. Discussion around common challenges and local resources with plenty of time for Q&A

Parenting with Your Partner – Having a newborn presents many new challenges for you and your partner. We take some time to unravel challenges and celebrate successes together

Getting to Know the New You: Healing After Birth and Physical Intimacy – With birth comes an awakening of a new self — as a woman, a wife, and a mother. We will touch on healing, body image, and where we are with the thought or reality of returning to physical intimacy.

Infant Sleep- Breaking down the stereotypes of “normal” infant sleep and discussing the spectrum of infant sleep and how it has affected your lifestyle.

Medicine Cabinet: Options for the First 6 Months – With winter and thus cold season approaching, it is a great time to share with each other our tips and tricks for handling runny noses, coughts, rashes and more for our little ones. Note: this does not constitute medical advice – always consult your provider with any questions regarding care

Getting Out and About – Fall is in the air which means pumpkin patches, hikes, football tailgates and travel to visit family. Maybe you have a road trip or flight planned in the near future. We will share tips and tricks on traveling near of far with your kid(s) in tow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring my baby?


Can I bring an older toddler?

This will be addressed in each Facebook event post. We hope to find locations that are fun for mom, baby and older siblings!

Can I ask questions about breastfeeding?

Yes, although not specifically a breastfeeding group, the topic of breastfeeding does come up.  And while the facilitators are not certified lactation consultants, they may offer initial ideas or suggestions while connecting moms with excellent breastfeeding support.

What if I'm not nursing? Will I feel left out?

Absolutely not!  The group is for moms, regardless of feeding method.  Here you’ll learn that in real life, if not online, people get along and support each other even if they do things differently.

What do we do in a moms' group, anyway?

We will spend the beginning 30 minutes, or so, talking about the “Topic Of The Day” and then gently move into an open floor where additional questions can be discussed.